Creating content

Spotify Unwrapped (Mundane Monday)

Laila Faisal
2 min readDec 5, 2022

Day 3 of 100-day Creator Challenge

If you’re on Spotify you would have seen your Spotify Unwrapped on 1 December. My daughter was waiting for it.

When she finally got it, she was disappointed that it said she listened to music on Spotify for a mere 76K minutes, which would translate roughly as 3.5 hours a day. It’s not nearly as much as she should have she grizzled. She said of her friends leave their Spotify on when they go to bed at night to boost their stats at the end of the year. It’s something they brag about.

This left me stumped. I can’t see why I would care to boost my music listening stats. The act of enjoying music is the reward for me. Not what metrics gets churned out at the end of the year.

Who are they fooling anyway? I’m reminded of a friend who bought an early FitBit years ago to track her steps. She started gesticulating wildly when she speaking after the FitBit. She found out that waving her hands around increases her step count. It made her feel good when she gets that buzz notification that she has done her 10K steps at the end of the day, and then she can post her streaks in the FitBit community.

What’s the point of tracking something when you know deep inside that you cheated the system? Be it by leaving your Spotify on overnight to gain listening minutes at the end of the year; or by waving your hands to gain step count.

Is this part of the curated life efforts social media has pushed us to?

I guess being top 0.05% of Billie Eilish listeners would be a legit brag for my daughter.



Laila Faisal

Hi all, I am mum and BFF to a gorgeous girl. I'm exploring content creation and mid-way through an EdD. I'm reflecting on death since my ex-husband died.