Creating content

Keeping memories

Laila Faisal
3 min readFeb 5, 2023

Day 41 of 100-day Creator Challenge

Martin’s house sold last week.

I prepared his house for sale after he died in August. This meant emptying the whole house and giving it a good clean. The house was designed by his architect dad thirty years ago. It took a while to empty it of thirty years of life and memories. And when it was empty it looked very different.

Our home was never the tidy house magazine type. You could see a pair of Kakas on the handrail outside the window in the old photo.

Family members were offered to take items they want to keep (or sell). When the house was mostly empty, Jaime and I went in. She wanted to keep a pot of succulents from her bedroom. She said Martin planted that for her, and would water it when he woke her up in the mornings.

Then she asked if she could keep his large office desk. It was slightly too big to fit in her area. But she really wanted it. So I made it work, by trimming off 8cm along the length of the 2m table, then adapting the metal frame so that it accommodated the table top. I also sanded it down to remove the dark wood stain off. She was pleased with it.

Left: Old desk | Middle: Working on getting Martin’s old desk to fit her area | Right: Her new setup on her dad’s old desk

These things mean a lot to her in keeping memories of her dad.

The things that I decided to keep were a set of four mugs in solid colours. These used to belong to his parents.

I have memories of going to visit them in their house, and then later in their retirement home. His dad would make us cups of tea. He would always give me the red mug because he knew I like red. I also kept a set of enamel salad bowls and salad dressing shakers because these also belonged to his parents. And I had memories of meals at their place.

These objects have value no other value other than the memories they hold. When I see or use these objects I feel like I am also honouring the memories and those who have passed before me.



Laila Faisal

Hi all, I am mum and BFF to a gorgeous girl. I'm exploring content creation and mid-way through an EdD. I'm reflecting on death since my ex-husband died.