Creating content


Laila Faisal
3 min readFeb 9, 2023

Day 44 of 100-day Creator Challenge

I learned about Hestia, the Greek goddess of the hearth. I am naming her as my goddess.

She was said to be the flame of the hearth and that the sound of crackling fire was the sound of her laughter. The hearth was central in ancient homes. It provided warmth and was also where meals were cooked indoors. Hestia’s domain extended to families and homes.

I love being at home. And the kitchen is the modern equivalent of the hearth. And it’s my happy space.

In learning more about Hestia, I came across this article by Jean Bakula. Several thoughts in there clicked with me

She was not motivated by a need to please others or to be liked, but had a great need to follow her own inner values.

I don’t feel the need for social validation. This was one of the reasons why living in Indonesia did not fit my inner self and how coming to New Zealand 24 years ago help me realise that.

I didn’t fit in back in Indonesia: I fit out. I remember one time in school when the popular kids offered me their friendship in return for telling them the answers in the math exam. But I didn’t need their friendship, so I said no.

Hestia is one of the three virgin goddesses, along with Artemis and Athena. The three don’t need a spouse to feel complete.

When I was in my mid-20s, mum was concerned because her friends were wondering why I didn’t seem to be interested in boys. They willingly offered me their single sons. Mum figured that men were intimidated by me being smart. She said I should pretend to be a bit stupid. I was scaring potential suitors away. Socially, it was important for her that her friends didn’t think there was something wrong with me. However, I never needed the ‘taken’ status.

This doesn’t mean that I never had any love interests. Bakula further writes:

If the occasion arises where a man interests Hestia, he will be a Hermes type man… Hermes is the protector at the doorway, the guide and companion who communicates with guests and families and keeps the conversation going.

This was how it was with Martin. He would be the one doing all the talking with others. I’d be happy keeping everyone fed with good food whenever we hosted social gatherings. He would be out running Beach Ultimate Frisbee tournaments (and competing in the games too), I’d happily be making lunch boxes for the participants or preparing the end of day barbecue dinner party.

If you Google Hestia and sort by images, most of the time she would be illustrated as wearing red, the colour of fire. As my friends can attest, red is also my preferred colour. This is my favourite illustration of Hestia:


I further found out that the word for hearth in Latin is focus. I feel like I can call upon Hestia to be with me when I need focus to do the things I need to do.

What mythological being resonates with you?



Laila Faisal

Hi all, I am mum and BFF to a gorgeous girl. I'm exploring content creation and mid-way through an EdD. I'm reflecting on death since my ex-husband died.